Whether recreating the look and feel of a Historic 200 year old log structure, or enveloping a more Modern home with the warmth of timber, HearthStone Log Homes can not only meet your needs but exceed your expectations.
As settlers began to move in and explore the rural and undeveloped land of the United States, it became clear they needed shelter. Shelter was a necessity: from the weather, from the rough terrain that surrounded the homesteads, and shelter from native animals on the prowl for food. The elements that settlers faced were harsh and near despair, which created a live or die attitude. The land was unsettled, unexplored and uncivilized. In most areas, there was a large quantity of timber, which led to log homes being constructed throughout the country. With the large abundance of timbers, it became very common to use timbers in many different forms. Timbers were used horizontally as logs for homes as well as for the exterior surfaces for Barns, smokehouses, black smith shops, school-houses, and any other out-buildings that were needed. It wasn’t long before settlers began to use timbers together vertically and horizontally to create large open Post-And-Beam Barns. The vast majority of the homes were built of logs hewn flat on the sides, with Chinking (or mud) between the logs. Typically, the corners were joined with some variation of a dovetail-type notch. This basic technique was employed for technological reasons, which are still important and highly relevant today.
You can still find them: They sit atop the ridges, in the hollows and on the stream banks of our nation. Like no planned or contrived monument could hope to, these 150-200 year old log structures salute that almost undefinable and unique spirit that was, is, and always will be—America. A log home reflects the definitive American soul: the sweat, blood, self-reliance, ingenuity, pride, and unbreakable commitment to doing what must be done. There is a huge reservoir of strong people who believe in America’s pride, values, and future. We, at Hearthstone, build that same spirit, tradition, and pride into every home we create. To most successfully achieve those objectives, we believe that our log homes should authentically reproduce the look, charm and aesthetics of our forefather’s homes. We then combine that basic philosophy with the finest in modern design, engineering, and technical details so that your Hearthstone home is enjoyed for many generations. Nearly all of the permanent, long-lasting log homes shared the common characteristics of logs hewn flat on the sides, joined at the corners with a dovetail-type notch, and chinked between the logs. While we have several different types of log homes, they all share these general characteristics.
The pioneers built their homes this way because of those outstanding technical advantages. We believe in those technical advantages—as well as the tremendous aesthetic appeal. At Hearthstone, we can respond to many different design ideas from our clients. To get started, we begin with several standard building systems—which we then mix, match, and modify to suit our client’s taste and budgets. Some of the styles that are chosen the most: The Hearthstone Traditional—this cost effective system generally features 6” x 12” logs up to 40 feet in length. We can alter the hewing look, the Chinking gap, the dovetail corner type, edge chamfering, log thickness, and other details to get different looks for different tastes and budgets. The Hearthstone Timberwright®—this system features 14” tall logs in various widths (usually 6” or 8”) with a very heavy, irregular edge chamfer that mimics the irregular shaped logs of the old log homes or the Hearthstone Timberlake® homes. Once again, we can alter the hewing look, the Chinking gap, the dovetail corner type, the edge chamfering, log thickness, and other details to achieve different visual effects. The Hearthstone Timberlake®—these homes are truly stunning masterpieces of permanent folk architecture. They have been developed in partnership with world-famous artist and designer, Bob Timberlake. They feature extensive timber framing and massive logs (14”-24” in height). The logs are naturally contoured on the top and bottom (at the Chink joint), but hewn flat on the sides—as they were 200 years ago. They are a better-than-the-original reproduction of the look and feel of those 200 year old homes. All of our homes feature extensive technical specifications and techniques that promote centuries of use. We have many years and thousands of homes worth of experience. We have led our industry in technical innovation and excellence for decades. The systems, engineering, and details we build into each home—through the best of both hand-crafting and CAD-CAM technology—are the key to the success of your project.
We have decades of Leadership In All Things Timber. Hearthstone building systems offer surprisingly flexible interior design: from spirited eclectic, to modern, to historic. We also offer on site construction services world wide and turn-key services in many areas.
Hearthstone is a company unlike any other. We are dedicated to, and never cease to be amazed by the Timberwright. Somewhere between iron worker and cabinet maker, the fruits of his labor still grace the land and sea — with life spans measured in centuries: bridges, churches, Barns, Log Homes, Timber Frame Homes, taverns, courthouses, inns, hotels, sailing vessels, and — with good fortune and hard work — your legacy to your family for generations to come.
The creation of an extraordinary custom home is a way of life with us. If you have a vision of an extraordinary home of uncommon character, substance and value that will define your family for a century or more, then Hearthstone is the partner you need.
We are blessed with an unmatched ability to create any imaginable style of custom, luxury, hand crafted log or Heavy Timber Home or Commercial Structure. Nobody in the world has the reputation, capacity and experience — in one company — to deliver and guarantee the diversity, creativity, and quality that we can.
The process of engineering, CAD/CAM Modeling, crafting, delivering, erecting, and constructing one of these wondrous buildings is not easy. And the cost of doing it wrong, or shabbily, or cheaply is high. Just the in-house of sourcing, harvesting, and manufacturing of huge and unusual timbers is beyond the capability of most companies. Our unequaled, money-back guarantee says it all about our confidence, and your insurance, that we can do the job right.
We also now offer multiple texturing techniques (Hewing, brushing, chopping, etc.) that makes your Hearthstone structure truly a “one-of-a-kind”.
Encompassing all other objectives at Hearthstone is our desire to help you conceive and achieve a home that is so much more than a house. it will be an unmatched living environment and a family sanctuary.
Living this philosophy for decades and through thousands of customers has been rewarding.
We have been recognized by radio, newspapers, magazines, television, and professional organizations across this country. We have enjoyed acclaim for projects ranging from simple, tasteful cabins and guest houses… to multi million dollar log and Timber Home compounds… to stunning restaurants and lodges… to complex multi-unit commercial projects. But most important, we have been recognized by thousands of loyal customers — and we thank them.
This website will introduce you to Hearthstone’s history and values, and will illustrate our concept of offering you substantial breadth of choices — without losing the intimacy, efficiency, and drive born from our foundation and focus. Our three broad product lines — Hewn Log Homes with massive dovetailed, and chinked walls; Timber Frame Homes; and FullScribe Log Homes, with huge, Chink-less round log walls — are presented achieving exactly that goal: breadth of choice, with stunning products that share complementary technologies and strengths.
We at Hearthstone are dedicated to making available to the public what we believe in: traditional, custom, American products of uncommon character. Products rich with a magical aura and a quiet dignity that makes eyes widen, imaginations spin, and people realize that pride, respect, and craftsmanship still exist in the American marketplace.
Please come to Newport. Don’t just read about us or just look at these beautiful photos. You can’t really get to know us, or our homes, that way. Call us. Come and visit us. We’ll show you through our Owner’s Personal Home.
To schedule a home tour, and for free literature, simply call 800-247-4442 and ask to speak to a professional project manager.
The short answer: That is as impossible to answer as the question: “How much does a car cost?” But, still, it’s a question that is on everyone’s mind, so we’ll take a stab at it. All of this conversation is highly speculative. The only way to know is to get detailed architectural plans and get quotes or estimates from qualified builders. Don’t use these numbers for serious planning. Get real quotes, or at least highly educated, detailed estimates. For many reasons, dollars per square foot is a terrible way to estimate the cost of a home. But, we all do it. It’s especially misleading when there are a lot of open spaces, vertical design opportunity, porches, basements, limited “head space”, etc. Having said all that: you might expect to spend $170-250 per square foot for a nicely-appointed Log or Timber Frame home in a medium-construction-cost area. It will probably be close to the same price of a very high quality, one-of-a-kind, truly custom conventionally constructed home with an equivalent amount of architectural “wow factor” and personal space.
The finished cost will have more to do with the “cubic footage” than the square footage. Cubic footage is related to the roof system. Open cathedral ceilings with exposed hewn rafters and tongue and groove ceilings are very attractive and are what most folks visualize when they think of log homes. 1300 square feet with this type of roof system may cost $260k+ on a crawl space or unfinished basement in East Tennessee. A flat truss roof system with 8′-0″ drywall ceilings is less expensive to build, possibly $220k on a crawl space in East TN.
I’d expect these prices would afford hardwood floors, stone fireplaces, covered porches and some site work. Our package cost for a dried in shell would usually cost around 40% of these total costs with the balance set aside for local labor and materials. Let us know if we can provide a detailed Proposal.
Whether you buy from Hearthstone or not, please remember this guidance: quality, dependability, chemistry, and integrity are what will determine whether you spent your money wisely. Find a company who projects those characteristics for you. When you do — then that is your company. Whatever price that company charges is likely to be a true reflection of the value of what you are buying. Free enterprise being what it is, none of us can overcharge much and get away with it for long. The cost is what the cost is. If it seems a bit high, there are probably good reasons. If it seems a bit low, there are also probably good reasons.
Most people who come to us are building a dream that they want to savor for the rest of their lives and they want to pass on for generations. Any difference in the package price between one company and the next is trivial when you consider it at the monthly payment level — and then compare that to the importance of getting what you want.
Find a company that makes what you want, and whose philosophy, reputation and integrity suits you. Buy from them — build your home right — and enjoy it.
Hearthstone’s full packages include structural, specialty, common, erection and possibly dry-in services (depending on time of year and availability). To this you need to add the cost of freight, crew travel and state sales/use tax. The erection and dry-in pricing assumes site access allows for our tractor trailer trucks to deliver near the foundation and the crane will be positioned on the uphill side. Shuttling of materials and tight job sites require more money.
Some areas of the country are more expensive than others and your finish tastes will also vary the total costs. The General Contracting services (hire a GC or do-it-yourself) and the amount of owner involvement in the finish work also effect the costs.
One way of ballparking is the average cost per square foot–although I’d like to see the cost per cubic foot used instead since the interior volume of the home dictates more of the cost than heated floor area square footage. For average sized 2000 square foot homes, the total construction costs are currently running $175 to $250 per square foot of heated area, including our package. Smaller homes tend to be higher per square foot and larger homes tend to be smaller per square foot.
We have found over the years that most people get what they pay for and very few get more! If a builder is coming in too high (compared to the other bids) it doesn’t always mean that he is earning more money. We recommend you see examples of the work and nail down the specifications before you decide.
Expectations are everything. If the builder’s expectations are greater, it may influence the finish quality and/or service and he’ll be priced too high. If they are lower, he won’t provide what you expected. Matching expectations is the key to any successful endeavor. Let us know if we can be of help locating an experienced builder.
Our experienced East Tennessee workforce is talented and dedicated with over 650 years of combined experience in the log home/timber frame home business. In business since 1971 building homes for over 5000 customers nationwide.
Managing a sawmill allows for tremendous flexibility with timber sizes and lengths and exceptional quality control. Long lengths up to 40 feet and/or diameters up to 24 inches available.
All timbers are graded and stamped in accordance with Timber Products Inspection, Inc. which ensures our clients of the best quality material available, and the grade matches the engineering requirements.
In 2016, we’ve managed (20) unique timber specifications including; Eastern White Pine, Yellow Pine, Boxed Heart Douglas Fir, Free of Heart Center (FOHC) Doug Fir, Coastal Western Hemlock, Hem-Fir, Cypress, White Oak, Red Oak, Antique Oak, Antique Fir, Antique Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Glulam Yellow Pine, Glulam Doug Fir, Eastern Red Cedar, Western Red Cedar, Alaskan Yellow Cedar, Borate Treated White Pine, Borate Treated Yellow Pine and IPE Decking.
When steel exposed or hidden steel plates are required, we manage and include the steel specifications to match up with the precut timber joinery.
Multiple squared and dovetailed log wall profiles including:
I have heard that the log on log homes are more energy efficient; I would like your feedback on this issue.
A log on log system contains slightly more “mass” than a log home with Chinking.
An average R-Value for a six inch thick log is R-8.04, regardless of log on log or Chink style.
The 6×12 Hearthstone Chink space is loaded with insulation and this helps boost the average R-Value of the entire wall to R-12.1, and still retains the “mass effect”.
Image result for hearthstone log on logEven though we can prove how tight and energy efficient our log system is compared to others, I recommend you base your decision on aesthetics.
If you like the look of a log on log (with a small amount of Chinking), there are several companies that do good work.
Log on log electrical wiring is challenging, limited and will cost more. Log lengths are shorter (longest usually 16′) and butt joints are common.
Erection fees are usually higher because of all the lagging, short logs and electrical wiring delays.
If you decide to base your “buying” decision on package costs, let us show you why our package is worth it.
The short answer: We at Hearthstone have helped thousands of people with this question since 1971. First of all, there’s no magic wand. We can’t make the costs go away and neither can anyone else. But there are things we can do to help. They include:
The best solution, financially: buy a FastTrack Hearthstone log home.
This is a selection of plans that are heavily discounted with one condition: you don’t change anything.
All the design and engineering is done, and there is no customization expense to us.
You, however, can still turn it into a highly customized home by how you choose to outfit the house.
Another big benefit: we can deliver these homes very quickly.
Phone: 800-247-4442
Email: Designservices@Hearthstonehomes.Com
Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Weekends by appointment.
Hearthstone is a company unlike any other. We are dedicated to, and never cease to be amazed by the Timberwright. Somewhere between iron worker and cabinet maker, the fruits of his labor still grace the land and sea — with life spans measured in centuries: bridges, churches, Barns, Log Homes, Timber Frame Homes, taverns, courthouses, inns, hotels, sailing vessels, and — with good fortune and hard work — your legacy to your family for generations to come.
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